A to Z Challenge · A.R.Rahman

A for Anjali Anjali (#AToZChallenge)

Hola Amigos! First of all, my sincere apologies for not writing a blog post on theme reveal. Let me do it now. Yes, it’s A.R.RAHMAN! So, what’s in store? You’ll get to submerge yourself in a flood of Rahman’s numbers. I have collected his evergreen numbers for each alphabet. I will choose one song for… Continue reading A for Anjali Anjali (#AToZChallenge)

Short Stories

D for Dictionary (AToZChallenge)

“Long ago, there lived a book called Dictionary. It was the most widely read – err- used book in the world. Dictionary’s prominence was unbeatable. No other book could compete with its popularity. Almost everyone had the Dictionary at their home. It was used by every reader of newspaper. Every school or college student brought… Continue reading D for Dictionary (AToZChallenge)